Acupuncture Services
Acupuncture is a highly effective, safe method of alternative healthcare that is practiced by multiple cultures throughout the world. Acupuncture is a branch of East Asian Medicine that involves stimulating certain points along energetic pathways, or meridians, with hair thin needles. In younger or more sensitive patients, pressure or magnets may be used in place of needles.
Some studies show that acupuncture treatments activate the nervous system, initiating a cascade of hormones and neurotransmitters that influence the body's own internal regulating systems, promoting health and healing. Recent discovery of a "new organ" in the body called the interstitium is perhaps the missing link for Western medicine's explanation of acupuncture effectiveness; However, the interstitium has been recognized in East Asian medical theory for decades and is called the San Jiao.
Acupuncture treatments are based on a holistic view of the body, therefore, treatments address the root cause of illness or pain as well as relieving chronic and acute symptom patterns. Most clients report that acupuncture sessions are painless and very relaxing.
East Asian Medicine is an interactive medicine, and treatments are individualized based on the patient's ongoing and immediate needs.
Benefits of Acupuncture include:
~ Addresses emotional and psychological aspects of physical ailments
~ Offers drug free pain relief
~ Effectively treats conditions often considered anomalies by Western Medicine
~ Combines preventative and therapeutic healing modalities
~ Empowers the patient to be actively involved in their healthcare
For more information and resources on Acupuncture, please refer to:
American Academy of Medical Acupuncture
The World Health Organization
Acupuncture Today
Some studies show that acupuncture treatments activate the nervous system, initiating a cascade of hormones and neurotransmitters that influence the body's own internal regulating systems, promoting health and healing. Recent discovery of a "new organ" in the body called the interstitium is perhaps the missing link for Western medicine's explanation of acupuncture effectiveness; However, the interstitium has been recognized in East Asian medical theory for decades and is called the San Jiao.
Acupuncture treatments are based on a holistic view of the body, therefore, treatments address the root cause of illness or pain as well as relieving chronic and acute symptom patterns. Most clients report that acupuncture sessions are painless and very relaxing.
East Asian Medicine is an interactive medicine, and treatments are individualized based on the patient's ongoing and immediate needs.
Benefits of Acupuncture include:
~ Addresses emotional and psychological aspects of physical ailments
~ Offers drug free pain relief
~ Effectively treats conditions often considered anomalies by Western Medicine
~ Combines preventative and therapeutic healing modalities
~ Empowers the patient to be actively involved in their healthcare
For more information and resources on Acupuncture, please refer to:
American Academy of Medical Acupuncture
The World Health Organization
Acupuncture Today